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UE Developer Tools  v1.3

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UE4-DeveloperTools_v1.3.zip 124 Downloads

Tools to aid Unreal Engine programmers with common and routine tasks. Clean, package, and back up projects and plugins. Useful for mainly plugin developers.

The main feature of the tool is the ability to package and zip multiple plugins for multiple engine versions all at once. Packaging will ensure there are no errors with any engine versions. Zip files can be used for updating marketplace products and allows quick and easy updating of plugins for different engine versions.

The clean feature will remove unnecessary programming files that can take up extremely large amounts of space and are only used during development.

The backup feature will clean a project or plugin and make a copy of the project in a specified backup location with one click.

  • Packaging and automatic zipping of plugins for multiple engine versions
  • Cleans project/plugin files and directories of unnecessary files
  • Backup of minimized copy of projects/plugins
  • Package build C++ code plugins without having to open Visual Studio or Unreal Engine
  • Regenerate and open Visual Studio project files
  • Quickly open many different common directories and logs

Change Log
v1.15 (10-03-17):
  • [Update] Change log started

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